Wednesday, April 17, 2024


”Sheble sapraye” byad Lili Avraham Teymourazi.

Second book of the literature ears (Sheble Sapraye) by Lili Avraham Teymourazi. Poems and The tale of Rabban Hormuzd festival, and other tales.

“Sapar d’deme’e b’urkha d’dema.”

'A Journey of Tears through a Bloodstained Trek', the epic poem of the late Rabi Shlimun d-Salamas; in which he masterfully depicts the inhumanity and the tragedy of Seyfo - Assyrian genocide -, especially the exodus from Urmia.

”Sahra” by Romil Benyamino.

For the Assyrian children.

Lishana d’yema malpana atouraya.

Byed Rabi Benyamin Arsanis. The Assyrian Language Course Book Intermediate Level.

Ktava d’Alap Bit – The Assyrian Language Book.

The Assyrian Language Course Book by the Madlen Devis.

Spar sowata b’lishana atouraya.

Ktava b'shema d'Spar sowata b'lishana atouraya pishele ktiva qa atouraye d'bimarena go Russia byed mnakha Marona Arsanis.

Qeryana d’lishana Atouraya.

Beyd: Givargis Arsanis, Marona Arsanis, Lev Sargizov.

“Lishani” b’urkha khata.

Byed Rabi Michael Mammoo.
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Assyrian 6774 New Year in Russia.

Assyrian New Year celebration in city of Krymsk Krasnodar region, Russia, Fist of April 6774